Monday, May 13, 2024

Jimmy Fu 拍摄1号店“不二之选” 平面广告

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摄影师Jimmy Fu参与了电商平台1号店“不二之选”的系列平面广告。拍摄场地为某大型超市内,拍摄时间则是超市营业结束后的晚10点至次日6点。广告以戏剧化的手法再现都市人在超市购物时遇到的种种困境,幽默的文案给这组平面增色了不少。

Jimmy Fu recently completed a photo shoot for, which is one of the largest e-commerce sites in China that specializes in food and general household items. The 2-day shooting took place  in a local supermarket from 10 pm when the supermarket closes its doors and ended till the next day’s morning when it opens.





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