Daniel Zheng

旅居上海的新加坡摄影师,擅长中英双语沟通。10岁开始接触照相机,大学进入平面设计专业学习,毕业后即投身摄影行业,为不同的出版商和摄影公司进行商业摄影的拍摄。91年,成立Panorama Creations个人摄影工作室,客户涉及广告业、设计业及各类直接客户。99伊始,从原先的胶片摄影转向数码摄影。在亚洲地区拥有丰富的拍摄经验,足迹遍布香港、台湾、泰国、越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、印度尼西亚及文莱等国家。作品集的涉猎也极为广泛,如食品及酒水、产品、人物、企业、建筑及工业。

Graphis Advertising、 Creativity Annual、 Mobius Awards、Shooting Awards、China Ad Festival、Longyin Review、Photography Masters Cup。

哈根达斯、 必胜客、肯德基、麦当劳、Swanson、Campbell’s、喜力啤酒、 Pepsico、立顿红茶、诺基亚、Montblanc、西门子、Gaggenau、博世、汇丰银行、Citigroup、ACE、Carlyle Group、KPMG、中国联通。 
About Daniel Zheng

Daniel Zheng is an award winning photographer from Singapore. He is fully bilingual in English and Chinese, and is currently based in Shanghai, China. He picked up his first camera at the age of 10, and after his Graphic Design studies, followed his passion for photography and began working with studios and publishers. In 1991, he set up his own studio Panorama Creations and began shooting for advertising and design agencies as well as direct clients.His versatile portfolio covers Food & Beverage, Products, People, Corporate, and Architectural & Industrial. In 1999 he switched over from film to a fully digital workflow. Daniel is a member of New York’s APA and is re presented by Getty Images, NPN Worldwide and Moodboard. He has successfully completed assignments all over Asia, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. 
Graphis Advertising, Creativity Annual, Mobius Awards, Shooting Awards, China Ad Festival, Longyin Review, Photography Masters Cup. 
Häagen-Dazs, azs, Pizza Hut, KFC, McDonald’s, Swanson, Campbell’s, Heineken, Pepsico, Lipton, Nokia, Montblanc, Siemens, Gaggenau, Bosch, HSBC, Citigroup, ACE, Carlyle Group, KPMG, China Unicom.